Tuesday, May 27, 2008

SonWorld Adventure Park VBS Day 2 Teaching Tips

School is out and summer is here and that means it’s time for Vacation Bible School!

Here are some great lesson tips to super charge your Gospel Light SonWorld Adventure Park VBS! These ideas are for middler and preteen students and are intended to supplement the lesson plans in the Gospel Light Bible Story Center Guides. Living in small town rural America, our Congregational Church joined with our neighbors at the United Methodist Church. We had 60 kids evenly divided into three groups—Pre-K to K, 1-3rd grade, and 4-6th grade—and shuffled them between 7 stations.

Day 2 Lesson
The Ten Sick Men

Day 2 Scripture
Luke 17:11-19

Day 2 Teaching Tips
Get a package of small circle shaped stickers of various colors, available at any office supply store. As students enter the room, pick 10 or a number of them to get stickers put on their arms and faces.

Instead of just talking to students about leprosy, show them what leprosy looks like. Download pictures of leprosy off the Internet and give a short PowerPoint presentation with a laptop computer. Seeing the severity of the disease makes an impact. Students understand more why lepers were separated from society in Biblical days, they appreciate more fully Jesus’ healing miracle, and they.

Talk to the students with the stickers and ask how they feel having leprosy, being separated from their families, and their reaction after Jesus heals them.

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