Thursday, April 27, 2006

Deuteronomy 29:29

We had a capacity crowd for Betty's funeral this past Saturday. The service went about as well as one could hope. We celebrated a life well lived and God's promised hope of eternal life and resurrection.

But after a funeral, the grieving doesn't stop, it begins. Personally, I'm pretty tired. I took two days off after working 14 days in a row.

A lady who lives in the nursing home made an interesting comment to me. We were talking about losing Betty and the questions of why. In the course of the conversation, I shared Deuteronomy 29:29--a verse that has helped me tremendously in coming to terms with that "why God" question. It says:

"The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but things revealed belong to us and our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this Law."

When I said God chooses not to reveal some things, the lady replied, "Following what God has revealed is a big enough job."

That and our grief will be enough.

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